Why I run.

I run for ice cream, sweet potato fries and chocolate. Basically. Some people run to be healthy and fit. Others run for the Zen-like solitude it allows them. I suppose those are all good reasons, but the real reason I run is for this:

Yes, it was February. Yeap. My teeth were chattering. No. That didn't stop me.

Last weekend I ran the Hyannis Half Marathon. I finished – not exactly with a great time, but I finished.

Sweat in Style: Make sure to color-coordinate your headband with your outfit and your beet-red face.

This is the third year I ran this race and every year I celebrate with a Steve & Sue’s Flurry – the highlight of my weekend. Then I top that off with beer and sweet potato fries at the British Beer Company. I believe these are scientifically proven to be the best post-race foods to eat. They say you should be eating foods high in carbohydrates to refuel the body. Beer has carbs, right?

What’s your favorite post-race indulgence?

Now onto recovery. I ran the half marathon on Sunday, so I’ve been trying to take it easy for the past few days. Experts say you should take a day off for every mile you raced. So, if you run a half marathon you should take two weeks to return to your normal training schedule. That seems like an aweful long time.

How long does it take you to get back to normal after a big race?

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